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Galia Lahav

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those
who don't believe in magic will never find it.” -Roald Dahl
To believe in love is the motto for the new Galia Lahav collection. You will find what you are looking for if you choose to see beyond your set boundaries. Le
Secret Royal expresses deep love for couture through our extravagant silhouettes, floral design elements and glamorous shades of pink. Inspired by the
royals, their essence and poise, Galia advanced her designs to something unfamiliar yet extraordinary.
The sophisticated floral arrangements along the body of the gowns are made to replicate the captivating sense of strolling through royal flower gardens.
Through decorative design and rose color shades, petal details are evident through Galia’s creations. As the dresses are bountiful in silk tulle embroideries
and chantilly lace, this is a collection for queens. With this collection Galia wants you to believe in love and you will find your magic. You are a Queen.

Corina back_web Bella front2_web Arabella and Daria_web Alexandra_web Alexandra and Corina_web Tony_web Guerlain back_web Lidya and  Jacket_web Louise veil_web

Photography: Greg Swales @gregswalesart
Beauty: Vittorio Masecchia @vittoriomasecchia
Videography + Editing: Lavoisier Clemente @lavoisierclement
Videography: Jean-Claude Levasseur @levasseurphoto
Beauty Assistant: Bianca Duarte @mundodebianca
Model: Meri Gulin @merigulin
Model: Noel Berry @noelcapri
Headpiece: Efrat Cassouto  @efratcassouto